Smart Capture

Upload — Send your still images online to the ImageStation Web site to share with your family and friends. ImageStation stores your still images online when you register for this free service. See “Using ImageStation™.”

Mail — E-mail your still images to your family and friends. Click on the Mail button and your e-mail application launches with a new message window containing the still image.

Save — Click on the Save button to save your still image in a variety of formats, to a location of your choice.

You must be connected to the Internet before attempting to upload or e-mail your still images or videos.

Using Net Movie mode

1From the Start button on the Windows taskbar, point to Programs, point to Smart Capture, and then click on Smart Capture. The Smart Capture main window appears.

2Connect your i.LINK-compatible digital camcorder to your computer with an i.LINK cable. An image appears in the Smart Capture main window.

3Check that the Mode dial is set to Net Movie. Click on the Mode dial to switch between Still mode and Net Movie mode.