SOYO G668 Ethernet IP Phone User Guide
Note: Some VoIP providers do not provide call forwarding function.
Other Settings
password: Set the password of the phone setting. (Default password is 1234).
upgrade addr: Enter IP address or domain name of the FTP server supplying the update programs. Check with your VoIP service provider for detail.
sntp ip: Enter IP address of the Internet time server here.
use daylight: Enable/disable daylight by checking/unchecking this box.
timezone: Select correct time zone of your city.
Click this button to save the configuration and restart the phone. Once the phone restarts successfully, the new configuration is effective.
Note: After entering setup page, if Save/Reboot button is not clicked within 5 seconds, then when you click it again, the index page asking for pin will pop up again. Then please input the password again to enter the set page and then click Save/Reboot button to confirm the modification.
Address Book
Click this button to open the following speed dial settings page.