4 Getting Started
28 DG711 and DG511 Pipe Laser User Guide
Steep Grade Press and hold button 1 for five seconds until “STEEP
GRADE” appears.
Use button 3 or 4 to manually point the beam up or
down, and button 2 or 5 (line buttons) to move the beam
left or right to the desired position.
Grade Bump The RC502 Remote Control is used to change current
grade setting by one value where matching of an
existing grade is required.
Power Management
Low Battery
Flashes the laser 2 times per second to indicate
batteries are getting low.
Power Saver
On the RC502 remote control, press buttons 1 and 6
simultaneously. The laser beam will turn off while all
internal functions remain on, typically doubling the
battery life. To restore the laser beam to instantly begin
to work, press buttons 1 and 6 simultaneously again.
Auto Shut Down The unit automatically turns off after 15 minutes of an
out-of-level condition.
Table 4.2 Optional features (Continued)
Option Operating Instructions