Applications and Setups 5
DG711 and DG511 Pipe Laser User Guide 53
2Set the tripod and laser on line
behind the first manhole and
ensure the system is level.
3Suspend a plumb bob from the
tripod or use a Laser Plummet over
the first point.
4Transfer the elevation into the
manhole using a level, transit, or
with your laser set to 0.00% grade.
5Set a stake on the centerline of
the pipe so the top of the stake is at
invert elevation.
6Use the wireless remote to
position the beam on the rod as you
take your readings.
7Add your grade rod reading to
your cut-to-invert reading.
8Set a target on rod at this
distance. For example:
Rod reading = 6.48
Cut-to-invert = 4.51
Set to = 10.99
Grade hub
Grade rod
Instrument method-manhole
Laser beam