Applications and Setups 5
DG711 and DG511 Pipe Laser User Guide 31
When setting the laser, a surveyed
manhole grade hub must be
available to set the laser at the
proper elevation and the pipe will
be installed at the correct elevation.
Line 5.3
Line ensures proper direction of
the pipe run between manholes
according to the engineered plans.
Once Grade, Elevation, and Line
are set, the laser will be projected
at the proper grade, elevation, and
line for the pipe run. After a little
practice, it normally takes about 5
minutes to set up the laser and start
laying pipe.
Setup, Step-by-Step 5.4
Set Grade 5.4.1
1Press the positive or negative
grade button to set the Laser at the
correct grade as determined by the
engineered plans.
2Engineering plans sometimes
list the pipe rise/fall on a per foot
or per meter basis. To ensure that
the correct grade display format is
entered into your DG511/711, see
the Grade Display mode
information in Table4.1 on
page 20.
Laser beam Pipe invert Always constant distance