Prepare the Wall Jamb Locations
Strike Side Wall
Position this side of the pivot side wall jamb toward the inside of the shower.
Position the slots on the strike jamb toward the inside of the shower.
Inside of Shower
5. Mark the Wall Jamb Locations
Place the strike jamb against the showerhead side of the shower stall wall and fit over the bottom track. The slots must face the inside of the shower.
Use a level to plumb the strike jamb.
Mark the four hole locations on the wall.
NOTE: When installing on ceramic tile, use a center punch to nick the surface of the glaze. Tap the center punch lightly with a hammer to avoid cracking the tile.
Lightly center punch the hole locations.
Drill a 3/16″ hole at each mark. Use a masonry bit for ceramic tile.
Insert plastic anchors in each hole.
Place the pivot jamb against the wall opposite the strike jamb and fit it over the bottom track. Make sure the wide side is toward the outside of the shower.
Repeat the strike jamb procedures with the pivot jamb.
Thoroughly clean the shower floor ledge and wall.
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