Installing the Adapter
This chapter tells you how to install theSun Quad FastEthernet PCI adapter in your
system and how to verify that ithas been installed correctly.
Adding an Entry to thedriver_aliases File
If your system is running the Solaris 2.5.1 Hardware: 4/97 operating environment,
you will need to add an entry to the /etc/driver_aliases file before installing
the Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI adapter. In future operating system releases, you will
not need to edit this file.
1. Check the /etc/driver_aliases file for the line required by the adapter.
#grep ’pci_pci "pci1011,25"’ /etc/driver_aliases
If this line already exists in the driver_aliases file, you can proceed with the
adapter installation, which is described in the next section. Otherwise, you will
need to add this line to the file before installing the adapter.
2. Using a text editor, add the following line to the end of the
/etc/driver_aliases file.
pci_pci "pci1011,25"
Once you have added this line to the file, you can safely install the adapter.