either on the command line or in the file in your user root folder.
Using short names for SPOTs
As a shortcut, it is possible to use short names for SPOTs instead of the full
for example
Note that these short names are used for all connections opened from host applications to remote SPOTs, but are not available on SPOTs themselves.
Take suitable actions during over-the-air downloads
To do this, you need to write a class that implements the interface IOTACommandServerListener, and attach it to the OTACommandServer with code something like this:
OTACommandServer otaServer = Spot.getInstance().getOTACommandServer(); IOTACommandServerListener myListener = new MyListener(); otaServer.addListener(myListener);
Your listener object will then receive callbacks preFlash() and postFlash() around each flash operation.
Managing keys and sharing Sun SPOTs
When you update your Sun SPOT with a new library or application, or with a new config page, the data that you send is cryptographically signed. This is for two reasons:
•to ensure that the code executing on your Sun SPOT contain valid bytecodes
•to prevent remote attackers from downloading dangerous code to your Sun SPOT via the radio.
By default, each user of each SDK installation has their own