Redirection After BIOS POST
Options are Disable (no redirection after BIOS POST), Boot Loader (redirection during POST and during boot loader) and Always (redirection always active). Note that some OS's may not work with this set to Always.
Terminal Type
Selects the type of the target terminal. Options are ANSI, VT100 and VT- UTF8.
Allows you to Enable or Disable
Sredir Memory Display Delay
Use this setting to set the delay in seconds to display memory information. Options are No Delay, 1 sec, 2 secs and 4 secs.
Hardware Health Configuration
CPU Overheat Alarm
This setting allows you to specify the type of alarm for CPU overheating. Options include The Early Alarm and The Default Alarm.
Fan Speed Control
This feature allows the user to determine how the system will control the speed of the onboard fans. The options are Full Speed/FS (Max Cooling), Performance/ PF (Better Cooling), Balanced/BL (Balance between performance and energy saving), Energy Saving/ES (Lower Power and Noise).
Other items in the submenu are systems monitor displays for the following information:
CPU Temperature, CPU1 Temperature, CPU2 Temperature, NB Temperature, VRD1 Temperature, VRD2 Temperature, System Temperature, Air Temperature, Fan
VBAT and HT Voltage.