Table 4.1. Locked bearing symbols
You are traveling towards the locked bearing
You are 90 (or 270) degrees from the locked bearing
You are 180 degrees from the locked bearing
You are 120 (or 240) degrees from the locked bearing
4.3.3. Compass settings
You can define the compass settings ( calibration, declination and
Because of changes in the surrounding magnetic field, the Suunto Cobra3 electronic compass occasionally needs to be
First the compass is level calibrated and after a successful level calibration, the compass is tilt calibrated. The tilt calibration compensates for tilting the compass in any direction in angles of up to 45°.
Strong electromagnetic fields, such as power lines, stereo speakers, and magnets can affect the compass calibration. It is therefore advisable to calibrate the compass if your Suunto Cobra3 has been exposed to these fields.
When traveling overseas, it is recommended that you recalibrate the compass at the new location before using it.
Remember to hold the Suunto Cobra3 level during the level calibration process. A deviation of ± 5° is allowed in any direction from the horizontal plane during level calibration.
To calibrate the compass: