now you can see Save As JPEG:
The following options allow you to customize how the jpeg image files are saved:
•No Limit: Unrestricted image storage (continuous jpeg saving)
•Number: Image storage according to number of frames. For example, if set to 50, 50 frames will be stored in 50 separate jpeg files.
•Save interval: Image storage according to one tenth of a second. For example, if you enter 10, then one frame is stored per second. If you enter 50, then one frame is stored every 5 seconds.
•Size: Image storage according to file size.
•Time: Image storage according to time. For example, if set to 60 seconds, the system will capture jpeg files for 1 minute.
•Save Path: Specify the file path on your computer to save the jpeg files.
•Pre Name: Specify the prefix for the jpeg files, and they will be numbered in the order in which they are captured. For example, setting the Pre Name to “DVR_” will generate files starting with “DVR_1”, DVR_2” and so on. Save As AVI:
•No Limit: Unrestricted video storage (continuous avi recording).
•Number: Video storage according to number of frames. For example, if set to 50, 50 frames will be stored per avi file.
•Save interval: Video storage according to one tenth of a second. For example, if you enter 10, then one file is stored per second. If you enter 50, then one file is stored every 5 seconds.
•Size: Video storage according to file size.
•Frame Rate: Specify the frame rate of each avi file.
•Time: Video storage according to time. For example, if set to 60 seconds, the system will capture video for 1 minute.
•Maximum Number of Frame in Each File: Specify the maximum number of frames in each AVi file.
•Save Path: Specify the file path on your computer to save the avi files.
•Pre Name: Specify the prefix for the avi files, and they will be numbered in the order in which they are captured. For example, setting the Pre Name to “DVR_” will generate files starting with “DVR_1”, DVR_2” and so on. DVR Control
1. | CHANNEL |
| Camera Select Button: CH1~8 |
| |
2. | REC |
| Manual Record Button |
| |
3. STOP |
| Stops manual recording and playback. | |
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