©2003 Paxton Automotive
All Rights Reserved, Intl.Copr. Secured
05JUN03 v2.1 MusGT(4809628 v2.1)
D. Remove the drive belt from the alternator
pulley. Install the supercharger into the main
bracket, while looping the drive belt around
the supercharger pulley. (See Fig. 4-d.)
Fig. 4-d
E. Tighten the supercharger mounting bolts.
Once the supercharger is installed, release
the belt tensioner and loop the belt back
around the alternator pulley. (See
Appendix K for a diagram of the drive belt
For maximum performance, PAXTON Automotive rec-
ommends the factory stock platinum spark plugs be
replaced with a copper spark plug (Autolite 764 or
equivalent) gapped to .035.
F. Remove the two 8mm bolts on either end of
the Fuel Injector Rail and lift the unit out.
Replace the stock injectors with the supplied
injectors. Use white lithium grease on the
O-rings to insure a smooth fit.
Fig. 4-e