©2003 Paxton Automotive
All Rights Reserved, Intl.Copr. Secured
05JUN03 v2.1 MusGT(4809628 v2.1)
Fig. 1-b
Fig. 1-c
E. Once the assembly is out of the car, use a
10mm socket to remove the mass air flow
sensor and screen from the air filter housing
(see Fig 1-d). Place the mass air flow sensor
aside to be re-installed in a later step.
C. Using a flat-head screwdriver, loosen the
hose clamps at the mass air flow sensor and
the throttle body, and remove the air intake
hose (see Fig 1-b). Remove the air tempera-
ture sensor from the air intake hose and
place it aside—it will be re-installed in a
later step.
NOTE: On 2002-2003 GTs this step will not be
D. Use an 8mm socket to remove the single air
filter housing retaining bolt. The air filter
and mass air sensor can then be removed as
an assembly. (See Fig 1-c.)
Fig. 1-d
E. The coolant reservoir is secured by three
nuts (see Fig 1-e). Use a 10mm socket to
remove these, and place the reservoir aside.
Remove the upper radiator hose.
Fig. 1-e