MC9000-G with Windows® Mobile 2003 Software for Pocket PCs PRG
2. In the ActiveSync window, select File - Connection Settings. The Connection Settings
window appears.
Figure 4-12. Connection Settings Window3. In the Connection Settings window, select the appropriate check box for the type of
connection being used. If using a serial connection, select the COM port from the drop-down
If serial, USB and Ethernet communication connections are used, all check
boxes can be selected to avoid having to update this window for different
connections. However, if the same serial COM port is used for ActiveSync
and TCM, the serial COM port must be deselected in this window for it to be
available for TCM downloads.
4. Select the Show status icon in taskbar check box
5. Tap OK to save any changes made.
6. Ensure the accessory being used to communicate is connected to the host computer and the
appropriate power source (see Chapter 8, Accessories for connection setups).
The accessory requires a dedicated port. It cannot share a port with any other
device. Refer to the host computer user manual supplied to locate the USB