Communications 4-15
9. On the mobile computer tap Start - Settings - System tab and tap the eConnect icon to
display the Settings - eConnect window.
Figure 4-13. Settings Windows10. Confirm that the Serial Port Baud Rate: value is set to USB. If it is not set to USB then use
the drop-down menu and tap USB.
11. Tap ok to exit the Settings- eConnect window and tap X to exit the Settings window.
Host Computer ConfigurationThe host computer must be setup with the appropriate communication software and connection
settings. Follow the steps below using Microsoft ActiveSync software on both the mobile computer
and the host computer.
To configure the host computer:
1. Download and install ActiveSync. See Installing ActiveSync on page 4-3.
2. Configure the connection settings. The host computer must be configured for TCP/IP
network communications.
a. Click the ActiveSync icon
b. Click on File - Connection settings
c. In the Connection settings dialog box, select th e Allow Network (Ethernet) and Remote
Access Service (RAS) server connection with this desktop computer option.
Other options may be selected, for example, Allow serial cable or infrared connection to
this COM port.