MC9000-G with Windows® Mobile 2003 Software for Pocket PCs PRG
To install the Cradle Management Software on the host computer, download the latest version of the
software from http://devzone.symbol.com. Refer to the instructions included with the software.
Installing eConnecteConnect is used only when establishing a connection using the Four Slot
Ethernet cradle.
To install eConnect on the mobile computer:
1. Ensure ActiveSync is installed and running on the host computer (Installing ActiveSync on
page 4-3). Ensure a partnership was established between the host computer and the mobile
computer (see Setting up a Partnership on page 4-4).
2. Download the latest version of the eConnect software from http://devzone.symbol.com to
the host computer.
3. On the host computer, display the ActiveSync Explorer and copy the .cab file to the My
Pocket PC Temp folder.
4. On the mobile computer, locate the .cab file in the File Explorer Temp folder.
5. Tap the eConnect .cab file once to install eConnect.
6. The .cab file is removed from the File Explorer Temp folder automatically when the
installation is complete.
7. Tap X to close File Explorer.
8. Warm boot the mobile computer to add the eConnect icon to the Settings - System tab.
eConnect is reinstalled automatically after a cold boot.