The ImagerSample application (in mobile computers with an integrated imager) provides the user
with the ability to capture and display image files. This chapter provides an overview of the
ImagerSample program for capturing images with the mobile computer.
Launching ImagerSampleImagerSample can be launched from the Application folder on the mobile computer. Open the
Application folder and tap ImagerSample to launch the demo program. The ImagerSample window
Figure C-1. ImagerSample Window
Table C-1. ImagerSample Window Options
Option Description
File Save As: Allows the captured image to be saved as a .bmp file (see Save As on
page C-4).
Capture: Allows the video image in the display window to be captured (see
Capture on page C-5).
Viewer: Turns on the video image in the display window to capture an image (see
Viewer on page C-5).
Exit: Exits the ImagerSample demo (see Exit on page C-6).
Trigger to View/
Trigger to Capture
Display Window