Applications 7-27
MSN® MessengerWith the MSN Messenger instant messaging program on the mobile computer you can:
• see who is online
• send and receive instant messages
• have instant message conversations with groups of contacts.
To use MSN Messenger, you need a Microsoft Passport™ account or a Microsoft Exchange e-mail
account. You need a Passport to use MSN Messenger Service. If you have a Hotmail® or MSN
account, you already have a Passport. Once you have either a Microsoft Passport or a Microsoft
Exchange account, you can set up an account.
To switch to MSN Messenger, tap Start - Programs - MSN Messenger icon.
Setting Up An Account
Before you can connect, set up the Passport or Exchange account and sign in:
1. Tap Tools - Options.
2. Enter an e-mail address and password.
3. Tap Sign In.
If you use MSN Messenger on the host computer, contacts automatically appear on the mobile