MC9000-G with Windows® Mobile 2003 Software for Pocket PCs PRG
Misc(1) TabThis tab is used to configure various miscellaneous features.
Field Description
IP Address The IP Address of the server. It may be a host name or a dot notation format.
Directory The directory on the server that contains the AirBEAM package definition files. All AirBEAM pac kage
definition files are retrieved from this directory during the package synchronization process.
User The FTP user name that is used during the login phase of the package synchronization process.
Password The FTP password that corresponds to the FTP user specified in the User field. The specified password
is used during the login phase of the package synchronization process.
Field Description
Auto-load This drop-down li st is used to specify how the AirBEAM Smart Client is to be invoked automatically
when the client device is rebooted. The selections are:
Disable: the AirBEAM Smart Client is not invoked automatically during the
boot sequence.
Interactive: the AirBEAM Smart Client is invoked automatically during the
boot sequence. The package synchronization process is started automatically.
The Synchronization Dialog box appears, and the user is required to press the
OK button when the process is complete.
Non-interactive: the AirBEAM Smart Client is invoked automatically during
the boot sequence. The package synchronization process is started
automatically. The Synchronization Dialog box is displayed, but the user is not
required to tap OK when the process is complete. The Synchronization Dialog
box terminates automatically.
Background: the AirBEAM Smart Client is invoked automatically during the
boot sequence. The package synchronization process is started automatically.
Nothing is displayed while the synchronization process is occurring.