Software Installation
SDK Files
If the “SDK files” installation option is checked, all files n ecessary to develop scanning
applications for the SPS 3000 are installed. Table 3-2 lists the locations to which the SDK
files are installed.
Table 3-2. Installed SDK Files
File Location File Type
\Windows CE Tools\wce300\SPS 3000\Bin Symbol compiled drivers, applications, and
CAB files.
\Windows CE Tools\wce300\SPS 3000\Include Symbol API Include files.
\Windows CE Tools\wce300\SPS 3000\Lib\arm Symbol API Import library (for SA-1110
StrongARM µP).
\Windows CE Tools\wce300\SPS 3000\Samples Symbol scanner sample source code,
sample CAB .INF files.
\Windows CE Tools\wce300\SPS 3000\Help Symbol API Help files and documentation.
\Windows CE Tools\wce300\SPS 3000\Flash Flash memory tools and images (see
Chapter 5, Developing Applications for the
SPS 3000).