Operating the SPS 3000
Symbol Status Property Pages
The Symbol Status property pages contain wireless network and service quality information
for the Wireless Networker.
Tap the tabs on the bottom of the screen to display a different property page (use the left
and right arrows on the bottom of the screen to display more tabs).Tap Apply to save the
changes made to the Wireless Networker configuratio n via the property pages. Tap OK to
close the Symbol Status window.

Mode Property Page

The Mode property page provides the option to set the ESSID (wireless LAN id entifier) and
the operating mode of the network. If network informatio n is unknown, contact your System
Figure 4-6. Mode Property Page
Use the Operating Mode pull-down menu to select one o f the following operational modes:
Infrastructure - Select Infrastructure to enable the adap ter to transmit and receive
data with an access point. Infrastructure is the adapter default mode when Symbol
Status initially displays.