SPS 3000 Series Programmer’s Guide
Suppressing Prompts During InstallationThe following installation prompts are currently supported by th e Scan Driver Installer DLL.
The Installer DLL is located inside the Scan Driver CAB file and is called at certain times
during the installation.
•Trigger button -- By default, the Installer DLL prompts the user to choose a
hardware application button that will initiate a scan. If this promp t is not used, a
valid shortcut to the trigger application should be placed u nder the desired
hardware button key. The five application button keys are listed below.
Registry Key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Keys\40C5 (Default )
The (Default Value) of one of the above keys should be set to the following
“\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scanner\Trigger.lnk”
•Scan application auto-launch -- By default, the Installer DLL prompts the user to
choose the “registered” scanning application to launc h automatically when the
scan button is pressed. To register a scanner application for use with the automatic
launch feature, simply add a new registry entry in the follo wing format.
Registry Key:
String Value:
“<Application Shortname>” = “<Full path name to a shortcut or executable>”
“ScanSamp2” = “\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scanner\ScanSamp2.lnk”