SPS 3000 Series Programmer’s Guide
Suppressing the About Dialog
When the Trigger application (Trigger.exe) runs for the first time, the About box displays
with an option not to show it on subsequent launches (see Scanning For the First Time on
page 4-6).
The following registry entry affects this operation:
Registry Key:
DWORD Value:
TriggerDlg = <1 for prompt, 0 for no prompt>
Installing a CAB file
When CAB files run from the iPAQ they automatically install. If you would like to install a
CAB file from inside your installation program, simply use the CAB file name as the
command line parameter to the wceload executable.
“C” Example:
CreateProcess(L"\\Windows\\wceload.exe”, L”\”\\scndrv_0100.cab\””, NULL, NULL,
Flash MemorySPS 3000 Flash memory provides a method for deploying iPAQ applications and drivers in
the field without the use of a desktop PC or other hardware. Th e developer can create a
CAB file that installs an application. Since not all SPS 3000 devices contain Flash memory,
please refer to Determining if Flash Memory is Present before using the Flash memory
Once the developer configures the memory, it should be considered ROM (Read Only
Memory) by the end-user. By default, this memory is locked by the iPAQ so that users
cannot change its content.