Operating the SPS 3000
Subnet Mask Most TCP/IP networks use subnets in order to effectively
manage routed IP addresses. Having an organization’s
network divided into subnets allows it to be connected to the
Internet with a single shared network address, for example
Gateway The default gateway is a device, which is used to forward IP
packets to and from a remote destination.
DNS The Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed Internet
directory service. DNS is used mostly to translate domain
names and IP addresses. DNS is also used to control Internet
email delivery. If DNS is not configured, Web sites cannot be
located or email delivered.
WINS WINS is a Microsoft Net BIOS name server. WINS eliminates
the broadcasts needed to resolve computer names to IP
addresses by providing a cache or database of translations.
MAC Address An IEEE 48-bit address that the ad apter is given at the fac tory
that uniquely identifies the adapter at the physical layer level.
Host User assigned host name.
Table 4-2. Config Property Page Fields (Continued)Field Description