Developing Applications for the SPS 3000
Determining if Flash Memory is Present
Not all SPS 3000 devices contain Flash memory. Perform the following steps to determine
if Flash memory is present on your SPS 3000.
1. Insert the iPAQ into the SPS 3000 (see Inserting the iPAQ into the SPS 3000 on
page 2-1).
2. Run the File Explorer program (tap Start\Programs\File Explorer).
3. Tap the My Documents drop down list and select My Device.
If a folder named “Compaq Disk” is included among the list fold ers, then the SPS 3000
contains Flash memory.
Standard Flash Memory Files
SPS 3000 devices that contain Flash memory ship with the s tandard driver and application
This image contains the following files:
IHVInstall.exe – Flash memory install program
IHVUninstall.exe –Flash memory uninstall program
scnappss2_xxxx.cab – ScanSamp2 application CAB fi le
scnappsw_xxxx.cab – ScanWedge application CAB file
scndrv_xxxx.cab – Scan drivers CAB file
landrvarm_xxxx.cab – WLAN drivers CAB file
landrvdiv_xxxx.cab – WLAN driver diversity configur ation CAB file.
These files are found in the
“\Windows CE Tools\wce300\SPS3000\Flash\Image\ScanWLAN” SPS 3000 SDK
The IHVInstall.exe program invokes (“runs”) the CAB files located on the SPS 3000, if they
were not already installed. Only CAB files with the appropriate naming convention are
invoked (see CAB File Naming Conventions on page 5-9).
The IHVInstall program determines if a CAB file was installed by c hecking a version registry
entry for each CAB file. The version registry entries reside und er the
“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Apps” registry key. The entries are of DWORD type