Tamron MST2000 Stdden Tmpsrc Tmpcon Rtdcal Ex Tpz Tpzcal, Program Parameters, Description

Models: MST2000

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E_AREA Effective Area of flow meter device. The effective area is required for flow cal cu la tions and is en tered to be the same as shown on the Thermo Brandt flow me ter la bel. The avail able range is:

Eng lish Unit Ver sion: 0.0000 to 500.0000 square feet.

Metric Unit Ver sion: 0.0000 to 100.0000 square meters.

þNOTE: Some flow me ter de vices use ‘K fac tors’ in stead of ef fec tive ar eas to de fine mass flow re la tion ships. Ef fec tive ar eas can be cal cu lated from given K fac tors. See For mulas, Sec tion 10.

þNOTE: Thermo Brandt flow meter de vices are spec i fied in square feet. To con vert to square me ters, mul ti ply the square feet value by 0.0929.

1.0000 for English.

0.0929 for Metric.







Standard Density. The standard density is required for mass flow calculations and is entered for the specific gas being measured. The standard density is entered at the standard reference temperature of 68 degrees F or 20 de grees C. The avail able range is:

Eng lish Unit Ver sion: 0.0000 to 2.0000 pounds per cu bic foot.

Metric Unit Version: 0.0000 to 40.0000 Kilograms per cubicmeter.

Temperature source. Available assignments are 0 = CONstant, 1 = EXTernal and 2 = RTD.

Temperature Constant. The temperature constant can be used for mass flow calculations when no external temperature inputs are available and is entered as the average gas temperature. The available range is:

Eng lish Unit Ver sion: -50.0000 to 900.0000 de grees F.

Metric Unit Ver sion: -50.0000 to 900.0000 degrees C.

RTD Calibration offset. The RTD calibration offset constant allows the user to offset the actual measured value from the direct RTD input. The value may be positive or negative and is entered in degrees F. The available range is :

Eng lish Unit Ver sion: -10.0000 to 10.0000 degrees F.

Metric Unit Ver sion: -10.0000 to 10.0000 degrees C.

External Temperature Zero. The External Temperature Zero is the lower range (4 milliamp zero) setting for the external 4-20 milliamp ‘temperature’ input channel. The available range is:

Eng lish Unit Ver sion: -50.0000 to 100.0000 de grees F.

Metric Unit Ver sion: -50.0000 to 100.0000 degrees C.

Temperature Zero Calibration. The Temperature Zero Calibration value is the 4 milliamp (zero) count value from the external 4-20 milliamp ‘temperature’ input channel. This parameter is used to calibrate the zero point of the incoming 4-20 signal from the external 4-20 temperature device. To calibrate the zero point of the incoming 4-20 signal, press the EDIT key. The screen will display IN4MA. Set the incoming signal for 4 milliamps (or connect an external 4-20 calibrator set for 4 milliamps) and press the EDIT key. The MST2000 will measure the external temperature input channel and save the new 4 milliamp reference to memory.

0.07517 for English.

1.20367 for Metric.

0 = CONstant

68.0000 for English.

20.0000 for Metric




If an external temperature option is pre-installed and calibrated at the factory this will be custom set for that unit.

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MST2000 Multivariable SMARTFLOW ® Transmitter

Brandt Instruments, Inc.

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Tamron MST2000 operation manual Stdden Tmpsrc Tmpcon Rtdcal Ex Tpz Tpzcal, Program Parameters, Description, FactoryDefault