Although you can make and view recordings with the IP VCR you are not restricted to watching only recordings made
with the IP VCR. Neither must you use the IP VCR to watch recordings you have made. Refer to the sections below for
how to transfer recordings to and from the IP VCR.
Uploading recordings onto the IP VCR
As well as using the IP VCR to make recordings directly by using automatic and interactive recording of sessions or point-
to-point calls, it is also possible to upload video clips via the web interface.
To upload a video clip to the IP VCR, follow these steps:
1. Use your browser to view the IP VCR web interface, and go to Recordings.
2. Browse to the folder in which you want to place the uploaded recording.
3. Click Upload recording. The recording upload page will be displayed.
4. Click Browse to locate the .codian or MPEG 1 format file that you wish to upload. Consult your system
administrator if you are unsure of the format of a particular file.
5. Choose a name for the uploaded recording. This name will be displayed in the recordings list and in the auto
attendant menus.
6. Click Commence upload to begin the transfer of the file to the IP VCR.
Note that the upload can take several minutes for long recordings. Do not navigate away from the upload page until the
upload has completed or it may be aborted.
.codian and MPEG 1 format files may be uploaded via the IP VCR web interface in this way.
When the upload is complete, the video clip will display in the Recordings List (see Understanding the recordings lists), and
may be played back via H.323 or streaming like any other recording.
Downloading recordings from the IP VCR
You may download recordings from the IP VCR which can then be:
• transferred to another IP VCR
• played on your PC using any application that supports MPEG video clips, such as QuickTime Viewer
• converted into a MPEG (.mpg file) using the Codian MPEG Converter tool, that is available from
• converted into a Windows Media Video (.wmv file) using the Codian WM Converter tool, that is available from
Clips may be downloaded from the IP VCR in one of two formats: MPEG and .codian. Clips downloaded in MPEG format
may be played on a PC as discussed above; either format may be transferred to another IP VCR, though the (bigger)
.codian files will transfer much more quickly.
Note that if you want to create an MPEG file that includes the content channel (or control the size and positioning of
streams within the MPEG), you will need to use the Codian MPEG Converter tool. MPEGs downloaded directly from
the IP VCR will not include the content channel.