Use recording
or folder
name as caller
/ called ID
When selected, the recording or folder name is
used for the ID instead of the default device name.
When selected, for calls in to the IP VCR the called
ID will be:
• the recording's name for calls directly to a
recording for play back
• the default device name for calls to the
(unnamed) root folder's auto attendant,
recording ID or recording console ID
• the folder's configured name for calls to a
(named) non-root folder's auto attendant,
recording ID or recording console ID
Note: When an endpoint calls the IP VCR to start a
point-to-point recording, it will see the called ID as
the remote device name rather than the IP VCR.
When selected, for calls from the IP VCR the caller
ID will be:
• the recording's name when calling out to
play back a recording
• the specified recording name when calling
out to make a new recording
• the default device name when calling out
to make a new recording in the root folder
with no recording name specified
• the folder's configured name when calling
out to make a new recording in a non-root
folder with no recording name specified
With this setting unselected, the caller/called ID is
the name of the IP VCR.