Technical Specification
Page B-10 Reference Guide: TT128x High Definition Professional Receiver/Decoder
B.4.2 HOM Satellite Receivers

Table B.10: HOM Satellite Receiver Input Specification

Parameter Specification
L-band input
Safety status SELV
Number of inputs 4
Input connector type F-type, female 75
Input impedance 75
Return loss > 12 dB
Isolation between inputs 55 dB typical (non-adjacent inputs)
45 dB typical (adjacent inputs)
Tuning range6 Fc = 950 to 2150 MHz
Tuning step 1 kHz
Carrier frequency search range 0 to ± 5 MHz (BPSK, QPSK)
0 to ± 2 MHz (8PSK, 16QAM)
Receive spectrum sense Normal and inverted
Input power level per carrier -65 to –25 dBm
Total L-band input power < -10 dBm
Oscillator power at the L-band input < -80 dBm, 589 < Fosc < 2150 MHz
Convolutional FEC rates 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
Symbol rate range Rs = 5.0 to 45.0 MSymbol/s
Symbol rate step 1 Symbol/s
Symbol rate lock range ± 120 ppm
Eb/No ratio See Table B.7
Phase noise tolerance SSB phase-noise power spectral density < K + 8.5*Log(Rs)7 (typical)
at δF = 10 kHz
Phase noise power spectral density of the form C – 20*Log(δF)
δF = Frequency offset from carrier
Rs = Symbol-rate (Msymbol/s)
Convolutional FEC rate K
1/2 -77
2/3 -74
3/4, 5/6, 7/8 -71
LNB power and control See Table B.9

Table B.7 shows the Eb/No requirements to ensure error free demodulation

for all supported FEC rates.

6 The displayed frequency is either L-band or SHF dependent on the LNB frequency and the SHF carrier frequency set
in the satellite receiver input menu.
7 These specifications apply in the presence of thermal noise at the threshold Eb/N0 ratio given in Table B.7.