Operating the Equipment Locally
Page 3-10 Reference Guide: TT128x High Definition Professional Receiver/Decoder
3.6.4 Telco Receiver - TTV G.703

Table 3.9 steps through the set up procedure of the Telco Receiver using

Menu 2 Input, and the TTV G.703 input.

Table 3.9: Setting Up the TTV G.703 Interface

Step Action Result
1 Connect the cable to the TTV G.703 input.
2 Power up the unit and navigate to Menu 2
Input. Accesses the Input menu.
3 Press the Right pushbutton to access Menu
2.3. Selects the G.703 menu.
4 Navigate to INTERLEAVER (Menu 2.3.3),
then press Edit.
Select Enable or Disable, then press Save.
Sets the required interleaving.
5 Navigate to SIGNAL LEVEL (Menu 2.3.4),
then press Edit.
Select Normal or Low, then press Save.
Sets the unit sensitivity to the input signal level.
6 Navigate to REED-SOLOMON (Menu 2.3.2),
then press Edit.
Select ENABLE, then press Save.
Enables FEC functionality.
7 Return to Input Menu 2, it should display the
current status. If status is NOT LOCKED,
verify that the cable is properly connected and
that all values have been entered correctly.
3.6.5 10/100BaseT IP

Table 3.10 steps through the set up procedure of the Telco Receiver using

Menu 2 Input, and the IP input.

Table 3.10: Setting Up the IP Interface

Step Action Result
1 Connect the Ethernet cable to the IP input
2 Power up the unit and navigate to Menu 2
Input. Accesses the Input menu.
3 Navigate to UDP PORT (Menu 2.3.2), then
press Edit.
Select the Receive UDP Port number, then
press Save.
Edits the UDP Port parameter.
4 Navigate to IP INPUT IP ADDRESS (Menu, then press Edit.
Select the IP address, then press Save.
Edits the IP Input address parameter.
5 Navigate to IP INPUT SUBNET MASK (Menu, then press Edit.
Select the Subnet mask, then press Save.
Edits the IP Input subnet mask parameter.
(Menu, then press Edit.
Select the Gateway address, then press Save.
Edits the IP Input Gateway address parameter.