TANDBERG PrecisionHD 1080p/720p camera

Camera User Guide



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TANDBERG PrecisionHD 1080p 12X/4X camera

Controlling cameras using the VISCA™ protocol

NOTE: The information in this chapter applies to the TANDBERG PrecisionHD 1080p 12X/4X camera.

The camera uses an RS-232 control interface that resembles the Sony VISCA™ protocol. The VISCA protocol (VIdeo System Control Architecture) is a Sony protocol for synchronized control of multiple video peripherals.

VISCA™ is a trademark of Sony Corporation

RS–232 Parameters

At startup, the communication parameters for the RS–232 interface must be set to:

9600 bits per second

8 data bits

No parity

1 stop bit

No hardware flow control

No software flow control

All the RS–232 parameters except speed are fixed and not user configurable. The speed may be changed by issuing the Speed command defined on the following pages.

All control bytes are pure binary information, i.e. the control bytes are not ASCII-encoded.

RS–232 Commands and inquiries

A list of all the available commands and inquiries together with the result and comments are found in the table on the following pages.

D14640.01—MARCH 2010



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Tandberg Data 1080P manual Tandberg PrecisionHD 1080p 12X/4X camera, Controlling cameras using the Visca protocol