Tandberg Data Configuring and Operating the Tandberg DLT4000 Drive
3-12 Tandberg DLT4000 Installation Guide
3.5.4. Indicator Action during Power-OnSelftest and Operation:KHQ\RX WXUQ RQ V\VWHP SRZHU WKH GULYH SHUIRUPV
Stage What Happens
1 The indicators on the right front panel turn on sequentially from top
to bottom. All indicators stay on for a few seconds.
2 The indicators on the left front panel turn on at the same time for
about three seconds and then turn off.
3 The green Operate Handle, the orange Write Protected, and the
yellow Use Cleaning Tape indicators turn off. The yellow Tape in
Use indicator blinks while the tape drive initializes.
4 After initialization, the drive is in one of the following four states: