3–Part Names and Functions

4µ key

Press this key to return to the beginning of a track that is playing or stopped in the middle.

If you press this key when a track is stopped at its beginning, the unit will skip to the beginning of the previous track.

Press and hold this key to search backwards.

On the setting screens, use this key to move the cursor left. On the Browse Screen, press this key to move up a level.

5MENU key

When the Home Screen is displayed, press this key to open the Menu Screen.

Press this key to return to the Menu Screen from the various setting screens.

When the Menu Screen is displayed, press this key to return to the Home Screen.


Press this key to stop recording and playback or to end recording standby.

When a setting screen is open, press to return to the Home Screen.

On a setting screen, use this key to respond “NO” to a confirmation message.

7PB CONT key

Press and hold this key to open the Playback Control (PB CONTROL) Screen. When the Playback Control Screen is open, press and hold this key to return to the Home Screen.

(See “Special playback control functions” on page 71.)

Briefly press this key to turn the speed control that is set on the Playback Control Screen (VSA and/or SPEED) ON and OFF. When

ON, the icon appears at the top of the Home Screen as light letters on a dark background.


Press this key during playback or when playback is stopped to skip to beginning of the next track.

Press and hold this key to search forward.