Models 750, 751, 754, 774, 791, 794 Operating Procedures
Note: There are two gaskets and two front bearings
for the Models 754, 774, 791, and 794 door, one for
each freezing cylinder.
Figure 8
Slide the two o- rings into the grooves on the prime
plug(s). Apply an even coat of Taylor Lube to the
o-rings and shaft(s).
Figure 9
Note: There are two prime plugs for the Models 754,
774,791, and 794 door, one for each freezingcylinder.
Insertt he prime plug(s) into the hole(s) in the top of the
freezer door, and push down.
Figure 10
Step 4
Insert the baffle rod(s) through the opening in the
beater(s) and seat the door flush with the freezing
cylinder. With the door seated on the freezer studs,
install the handscrews. Tighten equally in a crisscross
pattern to insure the door is snug.
Figure 11
Note: On the Models 754, 774, 791, and 794, the
short handscrews go on the bottom and the long
handscrews go on the top.