Connections and Setup
Operating the DVD player
1.Switch on your television set.
2.Press the DVD button on the remote control. Press the button on the remote control or the STANDBY/ON button located on the DVD player’s front panel.
English | Select a menu language |
Français | Sélect. langue de menu |
Español | Seleccione idioma menu |
Deutsch | Menüsprache auswählen |
Italiano | Selez. lingua dal menu |
Svenska | Välj ett menyspråk |
3.When the player first comes on a menu appears asking you to select the player menu language. Select the language you want using the or
button, then press ok.
Using the menus
•Disc menu – The appearance and contents of this menu vary according to the type of disc you have inserted and are independent of the player’s menus.When the disc is playing press the MENU button to display and hide this menu.
•Info menu – The player’s Info menu appears as a bar at the top of the screen while the disc is playing. During this time, press the INFO button on the remote control to display and hide the Info menu.
•Player menu – If no disc has been inserted the player menu appears automatically. If a disc is being played press the STOP button to access this menu.
Note: A function is only available if it features on the disc you have inserted. For instance, if you select the Subtitles function from the Info menu subtitles will only appear if subtitles have actually been provided on the disc. If a menu or icon appears greyed out this means that this menu or the associated function is not available.