Tef-thermobain 07-08 8/07/08 14:47 Page 30







âas kúpeºa musí byÈ pre dieÈa v˘nimoãnou chvíºou, ktorú musí sprevádzaÈ pohoda a radosÈ

dieÈaÈa a pokoj jeho rodiãov.

SpoloãnosÈ TEFAL ponúka ‰irokú ‰kálu v˘robkov urãen˘ch pre starostlivosÈ o dieÈa,

medzi ktoré patrí aj tento teplomer:

ktor˘ meria teplotu kúpeºa na 0,1°C presne

a ktor˘ vás vizuálne upozorní, keì je voda veºmi teplá alebo veºmi studená.



LCD displej, na ktorom sa zobrazuje


Blok displeja






Elektronická sonda


Kryt priestoru pre batérie

Upozornenia t˘kajúce sa pouÏívania










DieÈa nikdy nenechávajte samé vo vani bez dozoru dospelej osoby.

Kvôli lep‰ej bezpeãnosti sa odporúãa vÏdy kontrolovaÈ teplotu kúpeºa rukou.

Batérie nenabíjajte.

Teplomer nepouÏívajte, ak správne nefunguje alebo ak bol po‰koden˘. V danom prípade sa obráÈte na autorizované stredisko spoloãnosti


Pred prv˘m pouÏitím si pozorne preãítajte rady uvedené v tomto návode na pouÏitie.

Pred meraním teploty vodu vo vani dobre premie‰ajte alebo teplomer nechajte vo vani poãas napú‰Èania.

Teplomer skladujte v dostatoãnej vzdialenosti od zdroja tepla (napríklad vykurovacieho zariadenia).

Po v˘mene batérií nie je zaruãená vodotesnosÈ priestoru pre batérie.

PouÏívajte v˘luãné nové batérie, rovnakého typu alebo odporúãaného ekvivalentu.

Pri vkladaní batérií dodrÏujte polaritu.

Dbajte, aby nedo‰lo k skratu na napájacích svorkách.

Technické údaje:

Napájanie: 1 x CR2032 3 volty

PresnosÈ merania: 0,1°C

Teplotn˘ rozsah: 0 – 60°C

V súlade s: EN71, NF S54–042 Elektromagnetické polia (CEM):

Tento teplomer je vyroben˘ v súlade s normami t˘kajúcimi sa elektromagnetick˘ch polí (CEM). Ak sa pouÏíva v súlade s pokynmi uveden˘mi v tomto návode, zodpovedá bezpeãnostn˘m predpisom zostaven˘m na základe aktuálnych vedeck˘ch poznatkov.



Teplomer otoãte na 2 sekundy, aby sa zapol. Automatické vypnutie po 30 minútach.


Page 30
Image 30
Tefal BH1371J8 manual Upozornenia t˘kajúce sa pouÏívania, PouÏívanie, Batérie nenabíjajte

BH1371J8 specifications

Tefal BH1371J8 is a highly efficient iron designed to make your ironing experience smoother and faster while delivering professional results. This model stands out in its class due to its innovative technologies and thoughtful design aimed at enhancing user convenience.

One of the prominent features of the Tefal BH1371J8 is its powerful steam output. Capable of producing a continuous steam output of up to 40 grams per minute, this iron ensures effortless removal of wrinkles from all types of fabrics. Additionally, it boasts a steam boost of up to 150 grams, allowing it to penetrate thick fabrics and tackle stubborn creases with ease.

The soleplate of the Tefal BH1371J8 is engineered with a unique design that facilitates smooth gliding over garments. Crafted from high-grade stainless steel, the Durilium soleplate features a non-stick surface, ensuring it won't snag or damage delicate materials. The pointed tip design helps in reaching tight areas like collars and seams, providing effective ironing results even in hard-to-reach spots.

User safety and convenience are paramount in the design of the Tefal BH1371J8. It is equipped with an automatic shutdown feature that kicks in after a period of inactivity, giving users peace of mind, especially when multitasking. The iron also includes an anti-drip system, preventing water leakage and ensuring that fabrics remain spotless.

Moreover, the BH1371J8 features a large water tank with a capacity of 270 ml, reducing the frequency of refills and enhancing the overall ironing experience. The water tank is transparent, allowing for easy monitoring of water levels, and can be conveniently filled from the tap due to its wide opening.

With an ergonomic design, the handle of this steam iron offers a comfortable grip, allowing for prolonged usage without discomfort. The cord is designed to be flexible, providing better maneuverability while ironing, ensuring that users can easily navigate around furniture and clothing without hassle.

In summary, the Tefal BH1371J8 combines powerful steam output, innovative soleplate technology, safety features, and user-friendly elements to provide an efficient and effective ironing solution. With its robust performance, it promises to simplify the task of ironing while delivering professional-quality results every time.