Preparation: 10 mins | Cooking time: 3.2 L 20 mins | 2 L 25 mins |
Ingredients: 4 large ripe pears, 1 pinch of cinnamon, 200 ml water, 100 g cooking chocolate, 50 ml water, 50 ml cream.
Peel the pears, but keep the stalk. Slowly melt the chocolate with the water and the cream. Mix. Keep warm. Place the water in the bowl with the steam bowl. Place the pears in the steam bowl and sprinkle with cinnamon. Close the lid and switch on. The appliance will automati- cally switch over to keep warm after 20 mins 2 L 25 mins cooking. Serve the pears coated with chocolate sauce.
Average energy value for 1 serving: 220 kcal. - 920 kJ
SCOTCH PUDDING | (for 4) |
Preparation: 30 mins | Cooking time: 45 mins |
Ingredients: 200 ml milk, 100 g bread, 150 g + 50 g sugar, 3 eggs, 100 g currants, 100 g ground almonds, 1 orange, 100 g butter, 1 pinch cinnamon, 100 ml rum, 500 ml water.
Soak the bread in the milk for 5 minutes and drain off. Beat the eggs with 150 g sugar and add the bread, the currants and the ground almonds, the peel and juice of 1 orange, the melted butter and the cin- namon. Mix well. Pour the preparation into a buttered mould and cover with paper film. Place the water in the bowl with the steam bowl. Place the mould in the steam bowl. Close the lid and switch on. The appliance will automatically switch over to keep warm after 45 minutes cooking. Cut the pudding into slices. Sprinkle with sugar and flambé with rum. Serve.
Average energy value for 1 serving: 825 kcal. - 3425 kJ
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