Removal and Installation Procedures
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A Service Manual 6–11tool whenever a procedure step instructs you to remove or install a screw unlessa different size screwdriver is specified in that step. All equipment required toremove and reinstall each module is listed in the first step of its procedure.Table 6–4: Tools Required for Module Removal
No. Name Description Tektronix Part
1Screwdriver handle Accepts TorxR-driver bits 003-0301-00
2T-15 Torx tip TorxR-driver bit for T-15 size screw
heads 003-0966-00
3 T-20 Torx tip TorxR-driver bit for T-20 size screw
heads 003-0866-00
4 T-20 Torx tip Special Tool: Narrow TorxR-driver
bit for T-20 size screw heads (fan
removal only)
5Flat-bladed screwdriver Screwdriver for removing standard-
headed screws
6Needle-Nose Pliers Standard tool
7 Nutdriver, 1@4 inch Standard tool
8Retaining Ring Pliers Standard tool; 11@8 inch minimum
9Angle-Tip Tweezers Standard tool
10 Soldering Iron Standard tool
11 Pliers Standard tool
12 Solder Wick Standard tool
13 8@32 hex tip Bit for 8@32 hex set screw
14 Adhesive TRA-CON: Tra-Bond #BA-2114