Typical Characteristics
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A Service Manual 1–25
Table 1–16: Typical Characteristics — Triggering System (Cont.)
Name Description
6The minimum signal levels required for stable pulse width or glitch triggering of an acquisition. Also, see the footnote for
Sensitivity, Edge-Type Trigger, DC Coupled in this table. (Stable counting of events is counting that misses no events.)
7For Logic, time between channels refers to the length of time a logic state derived from more than one channel must exist
to be recognized. For Events, the time is the minimum time between a main and delayed event that will be recognized if
more than one channel is used.
8For Slew Rate Triggering, this is the minimum transition time, defined to be the time the user’s signal spends between
the two trigger threshold settings.