Removal and Installation Procedures
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A Service Manual 6–39
HA11 Processor/Display Board (page 6–36)
HIf option 05 is installed, A29 Video Trigger Board (page 6–32)
HA14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power Cables
(page 6–29)
HA23 SerPar Board (page 6–31)
HFront Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel
(page 6–22)
HRear Cover and Cabinet (page 6–18)
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed: Have handy a pair
of needle-nose pliers (Item 6). Have handy a 1@4 inch nut driver (Item 7).
2. If removing the GPIB cable, do the following substeps:
a. Unplug the GPIB cable from its jack (J35) on the processor/display
b. Working from the rear panel and using the 1@4 inch nut driver, unscrew
the two hex-headed mounting posts that secure the cable to the rear
c. Working from inside the oscilloscope, lift the cable out of the rear
3. If removing any cable connected to the rear panel BNC connectors, do the
following substeps:
a. Do the procedure A10 Acquisition Board, on page 6–39.
b. Pull out the cables for SIGNAL OUTPUT, AUX TRIGGER INPUT,
J1201, J1001, J1000, and J1550 on A10.
4. Reinstallation: Reverse substeps in step 2 and 3 to reinstall any cables
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:
a. Have handy a screwdriver with a size T-15 TorxR tip (Items 1 and 2).
b. Locate the modules to be removed, including those listed under
Additional Modules Removed in the locator diagram Outer-Chassis
Modules, Figure 6–2, page 6–13.
c. Do the procedure A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power
Cables (page 6–29) to remove the D1 bus and the interconnect cables.
Rear-Panel CablesA10 Acquisition Board