Typical Characteristics
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A Service Manual 1–23Table 1–16: Typical Characteristics — Triggering System
Name Description
Accuracy, Trigger Level or Threshold,
DC Coupled
Trigger Source Accuracy
Accuracy, Trigger Level or Threshold,
DC Coupled
(for signals having rise and fall times
20 ns)
Any Channel
±((2% × | Setting – Net Offset |)
+ (0.3 div ×Volts/div Setting ) + Offset
Not calibrated or specified
Input, Auxiliary Trigger The input resistance is 1.5 kW; the maximum safe input voltage is
±20 V (DC + peak AC).
Trigger Position Error,
Edge Triggering
Acquisition Mode Trigger-Position Error1,2
Trigger Position Error,
Edge Triggering
Sample, Average
±(1 Waveform Interval + 1 ns)
±(2 Waveform Intervals + 1 ns)
Holdoff, Variable, Main Trigger For all Time/Division ranges, the minimum holdoff is 250 ns and the maximum holdoff is
12 seconds. The minimum resolution is 8 ns for settings 1.2 ms.
Lowest Frequency for Successful Operation
of “Set Level to 50%” Function 30 Hz
Sensitivity, Edge Trigger, Not DC Coupled3
Trigger Source Typical Signal Level for Stable
Noise Reject
High Frequency Reject
Low Frequency Reject
Same as the DC-coupled limits for
frequencies above 60 Hz. Attenuates
signals below 60 Hz.
Three times the DC-coupled limits.
One and one-half times the DC-coupled
limits from DC to 30 kHz. Attenuates
signals above 30 kHz.
One and one-half times the DC-coupled
limits for frequencies above 80 kHz.
Attenuates signals below 80kHz.
Sensitivities, Logic Trigger and Events
Delay, DC Coupled41.0 division, from DC to 500 MHz, at vertical settings >10 mV/div and 1 V/div at the
BNC input
Sensitivities, Pulse-Type Runt Trigger51.0 division, from DC to 500 MHz, at vertical settings >10 mV/div and 1 V/div at the
BNC input
Sensitivities, Pulse-Type Trigger Width and
Glitch61.0 division, at vertical settings >10 mV/div and 1 V/div at the BNC input