Mechanical Parts List
10–2 TDS3000 Series Service Manual
Modules can be serviced by selecting one of the following three options. Contact
your local Tektronix service center or representative for repair assistance.
Module Exchange. In some cases you may exchange your module for a reman-
ufactured module. These modules cost significantly less than new modules and
meet the same factory specifications. For more information about the module
exchange program, call 1-800-TEK-WIDE, extension 6630.
Module Repair and Return. You may ship your module to us for repair, after which
we will return it to you.
New Modules. You may purchase replacement modules in the same way as other
replacement parts.
Using the Replaceable Parts ListThis section contains a list of the mechanical and/or electrical components that
are replaceable for the <instrument>. Use this list to identify and order replace-
ment parts. The following table describes each column in the parts list.
Parts List Column Descriptions
Column Column Name Description
1Figure & Index Number Items in this section are referenced by figure and index numbers to the exploded view
illustrations that precede the list
2Tektronix Part Number Use this part number when ordering replacement parts from Tektronix
3 and 4 Serial Number Column three indicates the serial number at which the part was first effective. Column four
indicates the serial number at which the part was discontinued. No entries indicates the part is
good for all serial numbers
5 Qty This indicates the quantity of parts used
6Name & Description An item name is separated from the description by a colon (:). Because of space limitations, an
item name may sometimes appear as incomplete. Use the U.S. Federal Catalog handbook
H6-1 for further item name identification
7Mfr. Code This indicates the code of the actual manufacturer of the part
8Mfr. Part Number This indicates the actual manufacturer’s or vendor ’s part number
Abbreviations conform to American National Standard ANSI Y1.1–1972.