Adjustment Procedures
5–2 TDS3000 Series Service Manual
Overview of the Adjustment ProcessThe oscilloscope is protected from inadvertently changing factory adjustments
by a rear-panel switch. To perform the factory adjustment, you must push and
hold the switch while you power on the oscilloscope.
Before performing adjustment procedures, you must warm up the oscilloscope at
least ten minutes in an ambient temperature between 20° C and 30° C. Adjust-
ments performed prior to warm-up or outside this temperature range may result
in poor performance.
The factory adjustment procedure consists of a series of steps; as you move
through these steps, the oscilloscope display provides instructions that describe
the specific input signal requirements for each step. If the the step passes, the
oscilloscope moves on to the next step. If any step fails, you can repeat the step
or choose to abort the procedure.
NOTE. During some steps, the instrument may appear to be idle for several
minutes while it is processing information internally. Please have patience.
If all steps in the procedure are completed successfully, a “Pass” message is
displayed and the new calibration constants take affect. If the procedure fails for
any reason, the oscilloscope reverts to the previous calibration settings.