Adjustment Procedures
TDS3000 Series Service Manual 5–5
During the procedure a fast rise step signal needs to be applied simultaneously to
all channels. A typical on-screen instruction might read:
Use the ’Apply DC Voltage to Channels’ equipment setup shown on page 5–3.
NOTE. Make sure that the coax cable connection path length is the same for all
The fast-rise signal Pk-Pk range is -1 V to 0 V.
Make sure to set the generator output load to 50 ohms.
If you are adjusting a two-channel oscilloscope, a DC voltage needs to be
applied to the external trigger input. A typical on-screen instruction might read:
When you see an instruction similar to this, connect the oscilloscope to the DC
voltage source and set the DC voltage to the specified value.
DC voltage
Ext Trig
TDS3000 Series Oscilloscope
NOTE. If the DC voltage source you are using has an output head, connect the
head directly to the external trigger input.
Apply Fast Rise Step
Signal to all Channels
Apply DC Voltage to
External Trigger