Transmission Verif ication Report
says ‘Result:NG’ or
There is probably temporary noise or static on the line. Try sending the fax again.
If you send a PC FA X message and get ‘ Result:NG’ on the Transmission
Verification Report, your machine may be out of memory. If the problem cont inues,
ask the telephone company to check your phone line.
If you often get transmission errors due to possible interference on the phone line,
try changing the menu se tting of Compatibility to Basic. ( See Compatibility on
page 100.)
Poor fax send quality. Try changing your resolution to Fine or S.Fine. Make a copy to check your
machine's scanner operation. If the copy quality is not good, clean the scanner.
(See Cleaning the sc anner on page 104.)
Vertical black lines when sending. If the copy you made sh ows the same probl em, clean the scan ner. (See Cleaning
the scanner on page104.)
Handling Incoming Calls
Difficulty Suggestions
The machine ‘Hears ’ a voice as a
CNG Tone.
If Fax Detect is set to on, y our machine is more sen sitive to sounds. It may
mistakenly interp ret certain voice s or music on the lin e as a fax machi ne calling
and respond with fax receiving tones. Deactivate the machine by pressing
Stop/Exit. Try avoiding this problem b y turning Fax Detect to off. (See Fax D etect
on page32. )
Sending a Fax Call to t he machine. If you ans wered at the machi ne, press Mono Start and hang up at once. I f you
answered on an external or extension phone, press your Fax Receive Code
(default setting is l 5 1 (l 9 1 for New Zeal and)). When your mach ine answers,
hang up.
Custom features on a single line. If you have Call Waiting, an alarm system EFTPOS, PC/FAX modem or any other
custom feature on a single phone line with your machine, it may create a problem
sending or receivi ng faxes.
For example: If you subscribe to Call Waiting or some other custom s ervice and
its signal comes through the line while your machine is sending or receiving a fax,
the signal can temporarily interrupt or disrupt the faxes. Brother's ECM feature
should help overcome this problem. This condition is related to the telephone
system industry and is common to all devices that send and receive information
on a single, shared line with custom features. If avoiding a slight interruption is
crucial to your business, a separate phone line with no custom features is
Menu Setting Difficulties
Difficulty Suggestions
The machine beeps when yo u try to
access the Setup Receive menu. If the Fax key is not illuminated, pre ss it to turn on Fax mode. Th e Setup
Receive setting is available only when the machine is in F ax mode.
Copying Difficulties
Difficulty Suggestions
Cannot make a copy Make sure that the Copy key is illuminated. (See Entering Copy mode on
page 54.)
Sending Faxes (Continued)
Difficulty Suggestions