Setup the Broadband Router
2MAC Address: Some Cable Internet Providers will keep the MAC address of your computer in their server. In this case you should clone the Mac address of
your computer.
Click Clone Mac Address to copy your computers Mac address into the router.
•Use the following IP address:
1IP address: Please enter the fixed IP address.
2Subnet Mask: Enter the Subnet mask.
3Default Gateway: Enter the Gateway IP address.
•L2TP Settings:
1User ID: Enter the L2TP username.
2Password: Enter the L2TP password.
3L2TP Gateway: Enter the Gateway.
4Connection ID: Enter the Connection ID when necessary.
5MTU: Enter the MTU size (If the size is not specified by your internet provider, please leave the default value at 1492)
6Connection Type:
•Continuous: The
•Connect on Demand: The
•Manual: The PPP connection is established / disconnected manually by clicking Connect / Disconnect.
Click Ok to proceed. (Go to “ Finishing the Broadband Connection Type Setup Wizard” on page 8)
o Telstra Big Pond: not for Europe
Finishing the Broadband Connection Type Setup Wizard
Now the quick setup wizard for your Broadband Type is finished.
Click Apply to finish.