6.2 Editing the favourite list 45
Default by service number
Alphabetic by service name
Satellite by satellite
Transponder by transponder
6.2Editing the favourite list
You can make your own favourite services list. In fact, you can define multiple favourite services lists, each being a ‘group’ of chosen services.
Select the Organizing Svc/Fav > Organizing Favorites menu. You should see a screen like the left figure.
There are three columns:
• Group list (left)
• Favourite list (centre)
• Services list (right)
The services list contains all available services, whereas the favourite list contains only chosen services that have been added to the highlighted group. As you move the highlight bar up or down on the group list, favourite services belonging to the highlighted group get shown in the favourite list.
You can add up to 30 groups. To add a group, select the NEW option in the group list; then the