We disclaim any responsibility and shall be held harmless for any damages or losses incurred by
the user in any of the following cases;
z Fire, earthquake or any other act of God; acts by third parties; misuse by the user, whether
intentional or accidental; use under extreme operating conditions.
z Malfunction or non-function resulting in indirect, additional or consequential damages,
including but not limited to loss of expected income and suspension of business activities.
z Incorrent use not in compliance with instructions in this instruction specifications and manual.
z Malfunctions resulting from misconnection to other equipment.
z Repairs or modifications made by the user or caused to be made by the user and carried out by
an unauthorized third party.
z Notwithstanding the foregoing, Teli’s liabilities shall not, in any circumstances, exceed the
purchase price of the product.
z About the item which does not have a publication in the specifications and manual of this
product, it considers as the outside for a guarantee.
z Should the equipment be used in the following conditions or environments, give consideration
to safelty measures and inform us of such usage:
1. Use of the equipment in the conditions or environment contrary to those specified, or use
2. Use of the equipment in applications sxpected to cause potential hazard to people or
propety, which require special safety measures to be adopted.
z This product can be used under diverse operating conditions. Determination of applicability of
equipment or devices concerned shall be determined after analysis or testing as necessary by
the designner of such equipment or devices, or personnel related to the specifications. Such
designer or personnel shall assure the performance and safety of the equipment or devices.
z This product is not designed or manufactured to be used for control of equipment directly
concerned with human life (*1) or equipment relating to maintenance of of public
services/functions involving factors of safety (*2). Therefore, the product shall not be used for
such applications.
(*1): Equipment directly concerned with human life refers to.
- Medical equipment such as life-support systems, equipment for prerating theaters.
- Exhaust control equipment for exhaust gases such as toxic fumes or smoke.
- Equipment mandatory to be installed by various laws and regulations such as the Fire
Act or Building Standard Law
- Equipment related to the above.
(*2) : Equipment relating to maintenance of public services/functions involving factors of
safety refers to.
- Traffic control systems for air transportations, railways, roads, or marine
- Equipment for nuclear power generation
- Equipment related to the above