Send Messages
Special Delivery Options
48 Stratagy ES User Guide 07/09
Special Delivery Options
You can send a message as urgent, private, or with a return receipt request. The settings
may be used in any combination and may be changed prior to sending the message.
When you send, forward or reply to a message, this option is available by pressing 7
Special Delivery Options.
Enter an option number:
1Set Urgent status
To remove the urgent
status, press 7 then 1
Urgent messages play first in the New Message
2Set Private status
To remove the private
status, press 7 then 2
Private messages cannot be forwarded.
3Set Return Receipt
request (toggle)
To remove the return
receipt request, press 7
then 3 again.
StratagyES notifies you when and by whom the
message was received and plays the original
Only messages that have been deleted, saved, or
marked as Pending (if so enabled) by the
destination mailbox submit a Return Receipt
9Return to previous
menu StratagyES returns you to the previous menu.