Basic operations Playback Recording Editing Function setup Others
Introduction Dubbing
Resuming playback from the location last
stopped (Title Resume)
The recorder memorizes the location you last stopped
playback to resume there.
To use this function, set “HDD/RAM Title Play” (
page 141) to “Title Resume”. The recorder will
memorize the location you last stopped at in each title,
so you can resume playback there. For example, if
there are 6 titles, you can start each of them as if you
had stored 6 video tapes in the recorder.
•To return to the beginning of the title
During playback, press the QUICK MENU button,
then press the / buttons to select “Restart Title”,
then press the ENTER button.
•To play another title
Press the CONTENT MENU button to display
“CONTENT MENU Title List”, then select a title.
You can make the recorder memorize only the very
last point, regardless of the number of titles. Set “HDD/
RAM Title Play” ( page 141) to “Serial Playback”.
•To return to the beginning of the title
Press the SKIP ( ) button repeatedly until you
reach the first title.
•To play the other title
Press the SKIP ( / ) button repeatedly.
Depending on the status or the contents, playback may not
start from the location last stopped, but instead another
location. For example, from the beginning of the disc or
Depending on the disc, there may be a slight difference
between the location the recorder memorized and the
actual location where playback starts.
Digest Playback (Skip Search)
This feature enables you to see the digest of a
recorded content (title) by playing for three seconds
and skipping one minute before next replay. The Skip
Search starts from the beginning of a title and
proceeds to the end.
1) Perform steps 1 and 2 on page 30, and
select a title that you want to see with Digest
The Title List is displayed.
2) Press the QUICK MENU button.
The Quick Menu is displayed.
3) Use the / buttons to select the Special
Playback Mode, and press ENTER.
4) Use the / buttons to select Skip Search, and
press ENTER.
The Skip Search starts.
• This feature can be used only one title recorded on the
HDD or DVD-RAM disc.
While using this feature, you cannot use speed-related
functions such as fast forward or fast reverse.
If you press ENTER while using this feature, the recorder
goes back to the normal playback.
If you press the STOP button twice while using this feature,
this feature stops.
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